On another note I took my LRP-07 to the range and broke it in yesterday...I was able to achieve 1/4 moa at 100 yds.
Thanks for the info, There's a lot of good stuff here, much of which I already new, but I am very interested in looking into Ramshot TAC powder in my .223 with 69 SMK's.
On another note I took my LRP-07 to the range and broke it in yesterday, I fired 3 rounds and cleaned, did this 5 times and then fired 10 rounds and cleaned, did this twice. After this I was able to achieve 1/4 moa at 100 yds. I was only able to do this once, but that was enough. I fired a total of 35 rounds through the gun this day. (Load data Sierra 175 SMK, 43 grns Varget, New Lapua brass, CCI #200 primers, 2525 fps, 80 degree temp, 100 feet above sea level, and 0 degree muzzle elevation.)