Top Ironman competitors always have one thing in common: a great plan that is well executed with three guns that run. If you want to place well and go home satisfied, nothing is more important than gear that runs and the ability to get your hits.
In the world of 3-Gun, there are few manufacturers with a dedicated following that will buy their stuff and pay full freight for it. Major rifle makers might field a few guns at the Ironman. But look closely and you'll see that competitors running those rifles have some sort of sponsorship tie.
JP is a clear exception.
Lots of folks run JP rifles, uppers and components at the Ironman. I've been using JP rifles exclusively in competition since 2009. Why? Because they work. If there's a rifle out there today that's better, I'd love to meet it and put it on layaway.
At this year's match, both of my JP rifles performed 100% flawlessly. The days were long, and I had no inclination to clean my guns after leaving the range. The only maintenance I managed was a drop of oil into the gas ports of the bolt carrier.
I didn't clean my CTR at all during the match. As for the LRP, not only did I hit all twelve bonus targets with it, but I loaned it to two of my squad mates to good effect. The .308 ran just as well as its little brother.
You might have the most innovative stage plan, years of match experience and thousands of hours on the practice range. It'll still be for naught if your gear isn't reliable. Sporting the coolest jersey and the trickest shooting britches will just make you look silly if your rifle goes down mid-stage.
Ironman is a true test of everything you've got. It measures competitors physically, mentally and emotionally. It tests preparation, experience and judgement.
Fundamentally, this match reveal who's running good equipment and who's running the latest fashion.
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