GEN 2 AR-15 Silent Captured Spring Builder with Alternative Spring Pack

Standard Version

Includes SCS unit, five alternative weight springs and spacer to allow for installation in both carbine- and rifle-length buffer tubes.

Weight: 5.3 oz. (final SCS unit)


See our FAQ section if you have more compatibility questions.

SCS Buffer Retainer Pin

Because the insertion and removal of the Silent Captured Spring is very difficult with a standard buffer retainer pin, we recommend removing it when installing your SCS. This leaves the SCS "free-floating" in the buffer tube. While this isn't a problem when the receivers are closed, some shooters find it objectionable. In this case, we have a custom Silent Captured Spring Buffer Retainer Pin and Spring available to retain the SCS without the snagging caused by the Mil-spec design.

Read more about this part here.


Patents: 8,800,424
Product Instructions

Add SCS Buffer Retainer Pin:

Price: $177.95
