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Cleaning Rod Guides | Reloading | Vise Clamps | Maintenance Kits | Media

JP Cleaning Rod Guides

The JP Cleaning Rod Guide is, without a doubt, the highest quality tool of its type. No cheap piece of plastic, this is a lathe-turned piece of aircraft-grade, color-anodized aluminum some might call ridiculously overbuilt but never inadequate. Heavy-duty O-rings center and retain the guide in the upper receiver allowing you to easily clean through it while preventing any incidental damage to the chamber, throat and crown of your expensive rifle. Our updated design also features a solvent hole located at the ejection port for ease of cleaning. A perennial best-seller, use a JP Cleaning Rod Guide once, and you will never clean again without it.

JP Cleaning Rod Guides
JPRG-1Cleaning Rod Guide
.223 AR-Type Rifles
JPRG-2Cleaning Rod Guide
JP LRP-07, Armalite AR-10, Knights SR-25 or DPMS .308 rifles

JP Semi-Auto Case Gauges

If it fits, it shoots.

Our case gauge has been the go-to tool for gas gun shooters and reloaders for nearly twenty years. That's because we recognized that gas-operated rifles need a "special diet" when it comes to ammo. Unlike a bolt gun, your AR won't reliably function with a cartridge just because it fits a standard gauge. Plenty of frustrating and badly timed malfunctions trace right back to this problem.

This is the only case gauge on the market specifically calibrated to meet the needs of the semi-auto rifle shooter. If a cartridge would not fit a minimum-depth SAAMI chamber, this gauge will catch them. Anything that fits this case gauge, you can consider factory-equivalent ammo.

In this second generation model, we've switched from aluminum to 416 stainless steel for greater wear resistance and longevity. In doing so, we've also significantly improved our tolerances. Side by side, these new gauges catch problem cases even the previous generation wouldn't.

Shoot with confidence that your ammo will never fail you. We won't let it.

JP Case Gauges
JPCG-223Semi-Auto Case Gauge
JPCG-6.5GSemi-Auto Case Gauge
6.5 Grendel
JPCG-224VSemi-Auto Case Gauge
.224 Valkyrie
JPCG-308Semi-Auto Case Gauge
JPCG-6.5CSemi-Auto Case Gauge
6/6.5 Creedmoor

JP Match Grade Brass

Finding precision brass casings for our reloading can be a challenge. If cost is at all a factor, you're looking at a compromise on quality. If you're a gas gun shooter and expect to steadily lose brass over time, it's even more painful.

The struggle is real. Fortunately, JP is here to help.

We've teamed with a precision brass manufacturer to supply top quality, match-grade brass casings at an appealing price. These cases hold to very consistent dimensions, weight and internal capacity for your precision reloading needs.

Our match-grade cases offer optimal metallurgy with correct case head hardness and annealed neck and shoulder for durability, cycle after cycle. A chronic and demanding reloader himself, John Paul worked hands-on to personally develop the brass he wants to shoot. We know you'll be pleased.

JP Brass
BC6.5CJP Match Grade Brass
6.5 Creedmoor
500 ct.
BC6.5C-100JP Match Grade Brass
6.5 Creedmoor
100 ct.

JP Vise Clamps

Developed by our gunsmiths for use in own custom shop, both our JP Receiver Vise Clamps are the key to easier, faster builds. If you have an AR project, and especially if you’re a specialty builder assembling rifles regularly, we’re making your job easier.

These vise jaws are the ideal tool for component installations on both large- and small-frame flat-top upper receivers, particularly during high-stress installations like barrels and hand guards. Precisely cut chambers accommodate the front pivot pin lugs of any upper receiver, and unlike most of our aluminum components, the JP Vise Clamps are not hard coat anodized but rather undergo a softer, cosmetic anodizing that will not scratch the finish of your receivers. Magnetic inserts also ensure retention of these jaws in your vise.

JP Vise Clamps
JPVCJP Universal Vise Clamps$83.95

Maintenance Kits

JP Maintenance Kits
JP223MK.223 Maintenance Kit$53.95
JP308MK.308 Maintenance Kit$59.95
JP223MK-DELUXE.223 Deluxe Maintenance Kit$149.95
JP308MK-DELUXE.308 Deluxe Maintenance Kit$155.95

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Useful Maintenance Items
P-CHFLG-REDPCC Competition
9mm Chamber Flag
PS-11/8-1000Pro-Shot Cleaning Patches
.22-.270 Cal. 1-1/8" Sq.
PS-13/4-1000Pro-Shot Cleaning Patches
6-7mm 1-3/8" Sq.
PS-TFR-ARTotal Fouling Removal Kit$26.97
PS-MPCH223Chamber Mop
PS-MPCH308Chamber Mop
CHFLGChamber flag$1.99
CHBR223AR-15 Chamber Brush$5.99
CHBR308.308 Chamber Brush$6.29

Lubes and Bore Compounds
LO-EDGO-4OZLucas Oil Extreme Duty Gun Oil
4 oz.
LO-EDGO-1OZLucas Oil Extreme Duty Gun Oil
1 oz.
LP-250Armite LP-250 Sear Grease$4.95
JBBC.25JB Bore Compound, 1/4 oz. $4.99
MR-19™ Rifle
Base Price: $5499

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