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Safety Notices

TriggerTech Warranty Announcement 2021-01-21


TriggerTech has issued an Enhanced Warranty Program that may affect the trigger units of some MR-19 rifles. Over the past several months, TriggerTech has investigated reports of momentary delayed discharge after the trigger was pulled, affecting a small percentage of its Single Stage Rem 700 Diamond Triggers manufactured in 2020. While the defect presents no safety concern, you may be eligible for a replacement trigger if you have an affected unit.

We urge you to read more about warranty on TriggerTech’s website and to complete the identification form linked there on or before March 31, 2021. For further assistance, you can also contact TriggerTech at [email protected] or at 1-888-795-1485 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST for more information.